2nd Annual 40 Day Sugar Fast


Tonight I made scones and fresh squeezed rosemary-infused peach lemonade in anticipation for Sunday's celebration. The table is set with roses straight from the garden. Tomorrow I'll prepare the lemon bars and spice cake. Plastic Easter eggs are filled with jelly beans and chocolates, ready to be hidden in the yard and joyfully discovered; and there's a dish of my husband's favorite treats on the coffee table. There's going to be lots of sugar this weekend! However, I have to tell you, that I am so incredibly excited about my 2nd Annual 40 Day Sugar Fast in a little over a week. I've chosen the dates intentionally, so that you might enjoy your traditional holiday sweets, and then join me for this special season. Last spring hundreds of ladies from the "No More Angry MOB" Facebook group discovered that when we cut refined sugars from our diets we're less likely to experience sugar-induced, emotional ups-and-downs during our long parenting days. We see our children reel from sugar themselves, melting-down and throwing fits... but rarely stop to see the correlation between that handful of chocolate chips, stolen from the back of the pantry, with our own late afternoon crash.




But this isn't just a physical fast. This is a true spiritual fast! Together, we will spend 40 days crying out to the Lord - who is all we need to get us through our stress-filled mothering moments. No brownie is as sweet, no caffeinated beverage as bolstering, as His Holy Spirit in our needy lives.


"Even now," declares the LORD, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning."

(Joel 2:12)


I will be writing a weekly post here at WendySpeake.com to encourage you in the journey. Sign up here to have them delivered directly to your email inbox. We also have a private "40 Day Sugar Fast" Facebook group, for accountability and fellowship.

I am not a nutritionist, I have no detailed program for you to follow, and I'm not selling any weightless suppliants. The only thing I am offering is my friendship as we sojourn together - Let us return to Him with all our hearts.


[Tweet ""Even now," declares the LORD, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning." (Joel 2:12)"]


Join me, April 4 - May 13, 2016

To read about last year's fast, click here.

Perhaps you need to fast and pray, sweet mom

Welcome to our series, "You are not a victim, you're a mom!" Today we are peeling back the lies and remembering what is true!


She grabbed hold of my wrist, tight like a shackle, and leaned in close. I could smell the morning’s coffee on her breath and saw the weariness in her eyes at the start of another powerless day. “I can’t do this anymore…” She whispered it frantically again, “I can’t do this anymore… I hate this and I can’t do this anymore. I hate myself and I hate my kids and I hate my life. And I can’t do this...”

Our children were playing together at the park and we’d just put our things down. All I had asked was a simple, “How you doing?” and out it poured, from the heart of a pent-up woman standing too terribly close to the brink. And the most frightening part of all was that she could have been you, she could have been me. A simple, well-intentioned, loving mom and wife who was taking the fiery arrows of the devil's lies right in the heart. She clutched me like I could save, because she knew she was going down.

You are not a victim, you're a mom!
You are not a victim, you're a mom!

Jesus rebuked him, and the demon came out of him, and the boy was cured at once. Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not drive it out?” And He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. [“But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”] (Matthew 17:18-21)

Can a woman, in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit of God, be possessed by Satan and his demons? No, I don’t believe she can. But she can be oppressed. So thoroughly oppressed she feels possessed. Though unable to claw his way into our souls, somehow his ugly whispers can seep into our thought-life like sulfuric poison. Slipping in stealthily, his lies make their bed in our minds.

I know this full well, because, like this sweet friend of mine, I’d found myself speaking similar lies as though they belonged to me. “I'm not good enough; I don't love enough; if I were more spiritual… then it would be different, I’d have the fruit of God’s Spirit baring fruit instead of this rancid stuff...”

Alone in my room I’d cry out night after night, “That’s not the truth, Satan you’re not welcome here! I love my family, I can do this, I love my kids, I love myself. I am fearfully and wonderfully made! They are fearfully and wonderfully made! I can do all things through Christ who gives me His strength. He is stronger than you are and He’s going to win in the end. So get out of here, you bastard! Christ is my peace, in His presence there is fulness of joy. I choose to consider these present trials as my joy, knowing that the testing of my faith will produce endurance, that I might be perfect and complete lacking in nothing when these present challenges are all over…” These were my words, night after night. Out they'd fly, scripture-truth hidden for years, combating the enemy’s fiery darts.

But still, the war raged on. I wanted a sudden victory, asked for salvation to flood my mind. Still, day after day, negative thoughts about myself, my kids, and my marriage slipped from my lips in the quiet chamber of my room as everyone napped and I folded clothes. Then I’d sob again, “I keep praying, I keep believing, why is he not fleeing from me?”

One night these words came quick like an answer: “…this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

The very next day I reached out to a Godly woman and asked her to pray over me, to pray over my entire home. I didn’t tell her much, just asked her to pray. Of course she came fasting and praying.

* Let me preface this by saying that I wasn’t raised in a Holy Spirit, standing-up-raising-hands-anointing-each-other-in-oil-and-speaking-in-tongues home, but this friend of mine did all the above.

After praying over me, she told me to keep my eyes closed, then asked what I was seeing.

And I was seeing.

I saw Jesus, clear as day, on His knees with His fingers in rich soft soil. And I knew in an instant that the soil was my heart. There were weeds all around and he was gently combing through the supple dirt and lifting out each gnarly root. When he got to one particularly terrible weed I gasped, because there seemed to be no end to the root system. As He pulled, I felt my heart being pulled physically. I started weeping, uncontrollably, shaking and crying as she gently stroked my back. All the while, Jesus was pulling gently and the serpent-like body of the root system kept coming up and up and up without end. Finally I cried out loud, “There is no end to my pain! There is no end… I cannot do this… I hate this… I hate this… I hate this… It will never get better.”

Crying even now at the memory – ashamed to confess the home those lies had made for themselves in my soul. But the story goes on… because Jesus kept pulling, and the woman who had fasted on my behalf kept praying, and eventually the claw-like root was torn from the earth and cast aside.

There I was, torn apart and empty in the end. But this dear woman didn’t let me rest, immediately she asked what I needed to replace the lies with. I started weakly mumbling truth, “I love my children, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength, God knows the plans He has for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give our family hope and a future. I love my children.” My voice grew stronger. “I love my children and I love my husband. And I trust You Lord! You did a good job when you wove me together in my mother’s womb!” And stronger still. “I trust You!”

Only a time or two in these past years have I been tempted to let those lies slip back in. But I know whose voice it is now. They are not my thoughts. And so today, as we wrap up this series aptly titled, "You are not a victim, you're a mom," let me encourage you to remember what is true. You do not hate your children. You do not hate your life. You are not less than the women to your right or to your left. You are incredible, as a matter of fact! And your husband does love you. And Christ will redeem your brokenness, because that is what He came to do – repair and redeem and restore.

So much wonderful truth to implant in the bare and fertile soil of our hearts, especially when we fast and pray.

Ladies, I have had the awesome privilege of leading thousands of women through our annual 40 Day Sugar Fast. You can sign up to receive 40 days of devotions to guide you through this physical detox which works more like a Spiritual fast! Sign up today, if this series about the victim mentality of motherhood resonated with you, if you are battling lies straight from the pit, if you are having a miserable time tasting and seeing that the Lord is good in this season, if you struggle to control your emotions, run to the pantry for a handful of chocolate chips or a sugary mocha to get you through each hard afternoon, I invite you to join us for this fast

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1) “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36) “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Corinthians 3:17) “He has not given you a spirit of timidity, but of power, love, and a sound mind through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

(2 Timothy 1:7)

What lies do you need Jesus, the very gardener of our souls, to pull out by the root? What seeds of truth should you implant in their stead, so that you are never again enslaved by shame?

Jesus is alive and He came to set us free! Therefore, we most assuredly are not victims! Join us in this next series, as we learn to fast and pray as moms - renouncing lies, believing truth!

If you are interested in fasting along with me, sign up today.

"Even now," declares the LORD, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning."(Joel 2:12)


If you struggle with feeling powerless in your mothering, and are desperate for God's strength to carry you through those long, emotionally taxing, mothering days, I encourage you to dive into Triggers. Co-authored with Amber Lia, Triggers: Exchanging Parents' Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses, is a series of 31 short chapters each designed to help you believe what is true... even when your little people are pushing your buttons.

Order your copy of Triggers today.

Fasting Dr. Pepper for the sake of motherhood - a guest post

IMG_2401Today's guest is so much fun... You're just going to love her!  She's a stay-at-home mom who tells it like it is, daring to take the formality out of this Christian life while still managing to get deep-down to the bottom of what it's all about... Jesus doing a total redemptive miracle each emptied out, palms up, I-need-Jesus day. Laura Mitchell inspires me with her youthful exuberance, even though she confesses to being weary and worn by motherhood most days. Today I've invited Laura to sit with me on my orange couch - which she has promised to visit IRL (in real life) one day soon!  I told you she's fun!


“Mom, why are you so mad?”


“I’m just tired.” I replied.


TIRED. More than tired. I was frustrated. I had not lived up to my idea of a “GOOD” mom; my child had not lived up to my idea of a “GOOD” child. The events of the day, while a blur now, unraveled like a seam on an over worn shirt. I’m sure I probably lost it over some kind of accident, spilled milk, or my unrealistic expectation about how nap-time would go.


And then The Lord, in all of His goodness, shined His light on my life that dark night. And I saw things clearly.  Friend, let me pause here and let you glimpse into the illuminated depths of my heart.  It's not pretty, you'll see, and for a while I was ashamed of what I saw. But GRACE, He spoke with such grace as He brought correction to my heart.


Here is what He spoke:


Yes, you are tired, but I am tired as well. Tired of you fixing your eyes on the things of this world. Tripping over the small things in life. Exploding on the gifts I have given you. I have given you the desires of your heart and you are flailing around spewing unkind words, frustrated. You are acting no different than they are. Like a child. Today I am more concerned with how you are growing up than how they are growing up. You storm, you fuss, you fight, you are not gracious, and I am tired. Tired of watching you fixate on the outward problems instead of fixing your gaze on me. I want you to look me in the eyes, to fix your eyes on me. I am the author and finisher of your faith."


My heart was soft as I heard from the Lord about my mothering.  Fixate, Fixing, fix, fix fix... the words echoed in my heart, and then He gently went on:


You say things like, ‘I NEED Dr. Pepper.’ You don’t need a quick fix. You NEED to fix your eyes on me and let me fix the rest. Fix you, fix your children, fix this whole sin-entagled predicament you're in. How about you quit trying to fix your children and let me fix them. I can’t fix them, when you're spiraling out of control, running to temporary things to cover up your shortcomings. When you run to this world to fix your problems, what does this inadvertently teach your children? Come to me, let me fix you, and you'll be leading by example. Breathe deep, call on my name, and ask me to give you grace, strength and wisdom. I am the Great Physician not Dr. Pepper. Dr. Pepper cannot stabilize your emotions, and bring health to your bones. But Jehovah Rapha can - I can and I will. My word is health to your bones, it quickens your mortal body, gives you strength to endure. Dr. Pepper cannot fix your spirit. Your spirit is what needs fixing. You are broken, and that is a good thing, remember a broken spirit and a contrite heart I have yet to deny. Come to me, weary, heavy laden with burdens and I will give you rest. You will lead your children to me when you come to me, crawling, crying, running, singing, dancing in my presence. Your actions reflect me. My character is marred every time you choose to walk by the frustrations of the flesh, rather than walking by the fruit of the spirit. Your children need to see a living example of my goodness and love. I can and will use you to walk this out. I want to use you to display my glory so they can come to know me at an early age. I want to use you to show them how to run to me when they need help and not temporary fixes of this world.


“When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” (Psalm 94:18)


I called for help during this 40 day fast, and God told me straight up what He wanted me to fast. It wasn't what I had planned to give up, but He spoke it clearly.  Fix your eyes on me. So I gave up Dr. Pepper. And I changed my daily routine, all the ways I turned to the world to fix my stress and disappointments. I fasted from facebook for chunks of time each day, that I might fix my eyes on His face.  And I made time to call on His Name throughout the day, not just at night as I repented for the times I had failed.  I fasted from the quick fix and refused to get swept up in the tumultuous sea of condemnation and guilt. I fasted from the quick fix, and fixed my eyes on Him.


I fix my eyes on Him. (Hebrews 12:1-3)


Over and over again I am practicing this fixing my eyes - and He is faithfully fixing me as I do.


Pausing at lunch, at nap-time, and in the evening, allowing Him to refuel me. Those are the times I used to run to "the Dr.", but now I run to The Great Physician Himself. And we take praise breaks, the kids and I do, to give thanks throughout the day when we are all fussing and frustrated. Fixing our eyes on Him rather than watching Mama run for a fix. Together, we are actively pursuing lifestyles that honor Him and cling to His ways. We are choosing to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts, and remain confident that He will finish and perfect,  the work he started. We are finding ways to refocus, change our perspective, and fix our eyes on Him.


thTell me: What are some of the ways you have found during this fast to help you fix your eyes on Jesus? Did you realize there was a deeper work that needed to happen in your heart than just changing your diet? How has becoming more focused on Jesus changed the way you parent?





Laura Mitchell is a wife, mom of two boys, writer, and inspirational speaker.  She's a lover of sunsets and coffee, laughing and Jesus.  Visit her at her website, Hope Anchors, where she shares about finding hope for every need in her life in Christ alone.

Follow along with her on facebook, pinterest or twitter

When a woman needs to cultivate the muscle-work of self control - and an announcement


I'm an easily swayed woman.  Not the best trait when raising three strong-willed boys, that's for sure. I say no but then they say please, and I sort of bend under the masculine pressure with a well... maybe... okay...  only to wonder why they always argue with their Sweet Mama.  Then I say yes to a book, starting at page one, but three chapters in I'm onto something new and I never really finish it.  Another yes becomes a no.  Add to it the fact I'm a creative personality and inspiration is never in short supply around here; I start a project with vision and enthusiasm and then get distracted by tomorrow's fresh batch of inspiration.  Truth is... I don't finish lots of stuff.  Even the homeschool closet in the hallway.  Twice a year I take everything out and start to sort through it all... but there's just too much and I'm overwhelmed, so in it all goes again. While I'm careful not to make "vows", swearing to the Lord this or that, knowing that I don't often follow through with what I plan and purpose, I'm aware that this lack of stick-to-it-iveness is a Spiritual thing, because the fruit of God's Spirit in my life includes self control. Or at least it should.


Just say a simple, 'Yes, I will,' or 'No, I won't.'

(Matthew 5:37a)


Often I camp out on Galatians 5:22-23, praying over that fruitful list, asking God to grow each piece in my life as I learn to abide in Him.  Recently, as I've prayed, He has given me the eyes to see my lack of self control. And so, since the fall of last year, I have spoken three big yeses, in part to develop that muscular fruit.


Number One: I said yes to a seven week Beth Moore Bible Study!  I haven't done that since the boys were born in quick succession.  Unfortunately, my husband travels quite a bit for work and I homeschool during the days, so meeting up with a formal group didn't happen for me this time.  Still I kept at it.  I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but that seven week study took me twenty-seven weeks... However, I made it through and was so blessed to have stuck it out.

Number Two: I am up to my neck in the writing of a book.  Now I've said yes to book concept after book concept for years on end, each idea inspiring and exciting me, but this time I partnered with a friend who has a stick-to-it nature as tenacious as any I've seen.  I'm learning so much from her about perseverance amidst the busyness of life. One foot in front of the other, day after day, page after page, chapter after chapter, goal after completed goal. And the end is in sight!  What fun it will be to share it with you all when the time is right.

Number Three:  And then there was this forty day fast. HOKEY PETE!  I had no idea what I was suggesting when I casually threw the idea out there, just after Easter. I knew I needed to get my body off of sugar for the sake of my physical and emotional health, for the sake of calm parenting, for the sake of letting my light shine, but I had no idea what a challenging journey it would be spiritually for me.  Even today, on day 37, I'm seeing strongholds fall from my life.  Far greater than the shackles of sugar addiction and grumpy afternoons, this fast has shined a spot light into the hidden corners of my life.  God keeps illuminating this core truth, "I want all of you... I even want your willy-nilly lack of follow-through.  Muscle-through this, Darling, bcause with me you can!  Do not give up!  Press in and press on, that you might know me!"


I want to know Christ—yes... Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:10-14)


Therefore, with the goal of knowing Him at the forefront of my being, today I am committing to another yes.




A yes, that will take the heart-muscle of self-control.  A yes, I am hoping, that you'll make with me in the weeks and months ahead.  So, are you ready for it?  Get real quiet now so that you can hear the invitation way down deep in your heart...


I'm going to read through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.  


Did you hear that?  I'm going to begin reading through the Bible, and I want you to join me!  I want to experience the sweeping tale of God's passionate pursuit of His created - and I want that for you too.  I'll be embarking on this adventure on June 1st and will be praying for y'all in the days to come, that God's Spirit will be pricking at your hearts to find Him real and alive and eager to engage with you between thin pages of a life-changing book.

You've got to know this about me... I'm not much into formulas when it comes to faith. I'm not going to tell you exactly how this should go down - that's up to you. You may read the Bible through in 365 days, or choose to ingest it real slow-like in the early morning hours before your little ones wake.  Some of you will want to find a solid commentary to hold in your hands, learning what it all means phrase by inspired phrase,  explaining the mysteries of God's Word chapter after chapter.  Others will choose to order a journaling Bible and do creative lettering and watercolors in the margins, as the Spirit inspires. And still others of you will download this Bible app to your phone, and listen to the spoken Word while you work out in the early mornings.

I am not at all concerned with how you seek, only that you do - how you are to meet with Him, at what time, or the amount of pages you daily read is up to you.  What I am hoping and praying for is that you and I would simply seek The Lord through His Word, and find Him faithful there.  That we would say Yes to Him in this big way! And that our yes will be yes, from cover to cover, that we might discover, with the help of His Holy Spirit, all the yeses He has spoken over our lives in Christ.


Will you consider joining me?


I will most assuredly write posts along the way about what God is teaching my own heart, however, I will not be leading you - Not as your Bible Study teacher in the journey, but a sojourner by your side, along the way.  God's Holy Spirit is the One who will be leading this trip through His Word.  Does that seem a little esoteric for some of you? Well, rest assured, you will find Him to be more real and near to you than ever before as you cultivate ears intended to hear, and a Yes-Heart committed to draw near to Him.

Have you ever wanted to discover the entire story of God's plan, from creation to His triumphant return?  Then come along for the adventure of a lifetime!


Say Yes with me... it will absolutely change your life!

Or a full money back guarantee.



Chocolate Avocado Pudding


What's a girl to do when the doctor says that her belly ache is being caused by sugar?  But show that doctor-man what real belly aching sounds like.  Oh, I thew myself a pity party there in his office!  Then he one-upped me by adding, "And while you're at it, try to get dairy and gluten out of your system as well." A couple of years later and I learned to endure the belly aches.  Most of the gluten was out, some of the dairy, but sugar never even tried to make a getaway.  I held on to her like a wanton lover that left me bloated, pained, and on an emotional rollercoaster during long mothering days.  Until 36 days ago, when I began this fast, and decided to throw dairy and gluten into the pot as well.  I can finally say that refined sugar has been 100% (okay, I had some ketchup a time or two, a little barbecue sauce, and some store bought marinara one night) gone from my life.

Ask me how I feel.  Go ahead now and ask me...

"Wendy, how do you feel?"

I feel great!  Absolutely amazing. But the belly issues are only an added benefit. My emotional stability has been so much better, and therefore my mothering has been more calm and consistent than it has been in years.  My energy is up, my body is fighting colds without the help of constant antibiotics, and I'm down a few pounds.

But the best part of all is my spiritual well-being.  I have learned to turn to God with my cravings during this fast... and God is faithfully helping me cope better, love better, get me through each long afternoon without a handful of chocolate chips or a spoonful of Nutella.  I am learning that the honey-sweet-goodness of His Word when I am weak, is much better than the sweetness of sugar induced highs and lows day-in-day-out.

And yet sometimes...

a girl just wants some chocolate!




Chocolate Avocado Pudding

Ingredients: 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 2 ripe avocados, peeled and pitted 1/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon Pinch of sea salt

Directions: 1. Put the almond milk, avocados, cocoa, maple syrup, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and salt into your blender and puree on high for 30 to 60 seconds, until smooth and creamy. You may need to stop and scrape down the sides with a spatula.

2. Transfer the pudding to glasses, ramekins, or jars and chill in the fridge for at least 3 hours.

(Recipe courtesy The Blender Girl)


I will be absolutely honest with you.  While I like this a lot, it is no chocolate truffle cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory!  Still, once all that marvelous terrible stuff is out of your system, you'll be able to find yourself satisfied by new sweets - albeit somewhat less-sweet sweets.

Chocolate Protein Bar

Another one of my favorite treats now is my homemade variation of the chocolate powerbar.  I simply blend 6 pitted dates, 1/2 cup maple syrup or honey, 2 TBS. melted coconut oil, and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Once it's nice and smooth add in 1 and 1/2 cups almond meal, and four TBS Cocoa powder until it thickens, followed by about 1/4 cup oat brand.  You may play with ingredients to find the consistency you like.  Real soft and it's sort of like a spread, thick and it's more like an energy bar.  I keep mine in a Tupperware and steal a spoonful in the afternoon, or anytime really.

Love these two recipes void of gluten, dairy and refined sugars.  I'm still trying to go to fruit for my sugar fix, and Jesus for my "get me through" power each day... but these are a couple of recipes for when a girl's  just got to have some chocolate.
