[Hey Mom] Scriptures for Moms, from God

Hey Mom, God’s Word is for you. He speaks them to you. They are living and active and applicable each long mothering day. His Words to you are full of guidance. They tell you how to live and how to love and how to pursue Christ (and Christ-likeness) in the midst of the chaos.

His Word’s tell you straight-up what not to do, and then lovingly tell you about what God can do in you and through you. His Words go on and on and on… full of grace and love and truth, each jot and tittle holding the power to transform you from weary to warrior, from victim to victorious, from nagging to altogether new!

For the last few months I’ve shared graphics over on Facebook and Instagram that included the bracketed words [Hey Mom] before each Bible verse. Those two words help personalize the message for me — reminding my heart of these two things. First of all, He’s speaking His honey-dripping Word to me directly. And secondly, His message is right on time for this specific season.

[Hey Mom].png

Some verses are especially applicable for training our children. Don’t you agree? Like this one here:

[Hey Mom] Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart! (Galatians 6:9, ESV)

Some passages feel like parenting-passages. They cut to the quick, separating the truth we need to believe from the lies that often proud them out! God’s Words, friends, does a surgeon’s job, if we let it — cutting out sickness (in our thoughts or intentions), then mending us up again. God tells us that it’s true!

[Hey Mom] the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12, ESV)

Do you believe it? God’s Word wasn’t spoken long ago and left there. It remains here in our midst for our hearing and believing and applying today as we do all the things for all the people! I know you’re busy (and that they are talking all the time) but you’ve got to make room if you want to go from busy to blessed! Make time for His Words (spoken to you.) You can sign up here to follow along with me right here, and I’ll email you the next [Hey Mom] blog post, full of encouragement from The Word just for you, or find me on Instagram or Facebook where I’ll be posting plenty of [Hey Mom] Scriptures like this one here.

[Hey Mom] The boundary lines have fallen for [you] in pleasant places… (Psalm 16:6, NIV)

Sometimes, in the midst of it all, moms can question how pleasant their experience really is. But God’s Word tells it to us plainly, “The boundary lines have fallen for us in pleasant places; surely we have a delightful inheritance.” (Psalm 16:6, NIV)

It’s okay if you’ve forgotten — if you’ve been tempted to disagree.  It’s even ok if you’ve grown weary for a short season. Today is a new day, filled with new mercies just for you, Mom. You get to choose to believe what’s true. With the laundry and the dishes and the diapers and the meltdowns and the homework and the backtalk and the bills and too little sleep… you get to believe that God, in His goodness, appointed and anointed this season. God tells it to us this way, in Ecclesiastes chapter 3:

[Hey mom] There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1, NIV)

This is your season for loving long, from sun up to sun down (or son up till son down, as the case may be!) So love with the love that you first were given… all day everyday. It’s exhausting, yes. But Jesus loved all the way to the cross and back again. You can love if you’re following His lead, even when stretched thin and aching. God’s Word was written for your encouragement, so that you we might, by faith, choose to believe. And the miracle is, when you choose to believe what God says about your life… your life will begin to align with the truth. You’ll be less tempted to think that you deserve something different, and embrace what your reality is.

When you embrace your reality, there’s a chance you’ll embrace those who are your reality. But when you fight against this blessed season, you’ll likely find yourself fighting with your little blessings.

Oh sweet moms! God’s Word is living and active today, and full of encouragement. His Words to us offer us the courage we need to keep mothering today and tomorrow and the next day too. You are so loved by God, He wants to have a Word with you. Sit down and open up your Bible. Open the Word and open your ears and open your heart to Him.

#heymom is a series of scripture-truths for moms to take to the bank! Verses for moms, from God. Sign up now to receive other [Hey Mom] blog posts. And find Wendy on Instagram or Facebook for more [Hey Mom] Scriptures.