Interview with a Renaissance Mom - Rylie Caldwell


Welcome to our new series INTERVIEW WITH A RENAISSANCE MOM - where I’ll be interviewing some of my favorite Renaissance Momsfrom around the web!Inspired by our new book, Life Creative: Inspiration for Today’s Renaissance Mom, Kelli Stuart and I hope that this series encourages you to dabble and delight in the cracks and crevices of your mothering moments. We believe that when we fit our creative passions into the practical places of motherhood, the passion fuels the practical. 

Avail yourself to the wonderful way God made you before He made you a mother.

I'm so excited to introduce y'all to this sweet mother of three, visual artist, and color enthusiast, Rylie Caldwell


Please introduce yourself and your family to all of us.

Hi there! My name is Rylie and I live in Houston, Texas with my husband and our three precious daughters. They are ages three, two, and six months. It's all bows, sprinkles and glitter around here pretty much 24/7 and I love it! I studied architecture in college but have had an interest in art my whole life. Growing up I would spend hours at my grandmother's kitchen table learning to use watercolor paint with her and really developed a love for painting. After working in the architecture field for several years we decided I would stay home after the birth of our first baby. Since then I have spent more time developing my artwork and am really enjoying the process of constantly digger deeper into my artistic side.


What did your art look like before you had children, and how did that art morph and change after children?

Before I had children my artwork was more literal than I am currently exploring. Since having children I have become much more interested in the abstract realm. I am not sure why that is exactly but it may have something to do with feeling more freedom to create!

Where and when have you carved out time to create in your busy mothering days?

I try to make time to create while my girls nap in the afternoon. I also invite them to come into the studio with me and enjoy that space with their mom. Sometimes it doesn't last for very long with them in there but we give it a good try! After they go to bed I usually pick it back up and squeeze in a bit more time. My studio is just the study of our home so it's all right here in our house and super convenient to stop and go with it throughout the day.


Motherhood doesn't have to be the death of dreaming - in fact, it shouldn't be! We continue to dream even with little ones by our side. What are some of your hopes and dreams in regards to your creativity?

I have so many! My ultimate dream would be to travel the world with my family and then come back to my studio and create collections of work based on each trip. Maybe 4 collections a year...what a life that would be!

If you had one piece of advice to offer a mother who may be struggling with the messy blend of motherhood and art, what would you say?

First of all, go easy on yourself! There is so much pressure to be all things to all people and it can be overwhelming. You are doing a great job! Second, make time to create because it will feed your soul and reconnect you with yourself and the ultimate Creator. Third, dream big and share your work! Don't be afraid to show people what your fabulous hands have made! Fourth, have a plan and set up your space so that when you get a little down time you can sneak in a bit of creative nourishment. Even if you only get in an hour a day, if you do it every day at the end of the week that's 7 whole hours!

Finally, how can we follow along and see more of your Life Creative?

You can find me at: FB: Rylie Caldwell Art Insta: @ryliecaldwellart Email: Website:

I'd love to stay in touch!


Thank you Rylie, for living this inspired life so transparently. I've loved following you on Instagram and look forward to watching all four of you girls grow!


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We hope these interviews inspire you to celebrate your own creative design. Order a copy of Life Creative: Inspiration for Today's Renaissance Mom today and join our Renaissance Faire! As a special incentive, purchase Life Creative by the end of September and receive our free downloadable resource, "Five Stepss to Turn Your Creative Hobby into a Thriving Business."Confirm purchase and receive your free gift today!
