Interview with a Renaissance Mom - Stacey Thacker

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Welcome back to our (hopefully) inspiring new series, Interview with a Renaissance Mom! Today's featured artist has found the key to her Great Commission Call from the comfort and confinement of her own cozy home! Author Stacey Thacker shares with us how her words have wings to go beyond the practical places of this parenting season.

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Please introduce yourself.

Hello friends! I’m Stacey Thacker. My husband Mike and I have been married for 22 years and for the last 14 or so we have lived in Central Florida. We have four girls ages (almost 7, 10, 13, and almost 17).  We also have a crazy dog, but that's another story. I grew up in a small town in Southern Indiana and graduated from Indiana University.

At Life Creative we believe that art morphs as a woman transitions from season to season. This is especially true of creative personalities. What did your creativity look before children, and what shape does it take today?

I’ve always loved music and starting singing in church at a young age. Throughout the years, I played in the band and sang in various school choirs. Today, I’m blessed to have the opportunity to lead worship at my church on a regular basis. This is one of my sweetest gifts.

Words have also been a large part of my life. I always wrote letters and kept a diary as a girl. This somehow got buried in the baby raising years. My husband was smart enough to know I needed a place to work out my words and encouraged me to start a blog about seven years ago. As my words found a rhythm of their own, God began to open doors for me to put them on paper once again. This time, his plan involved books. I’m still in awe at being an author. Honestly, I didn’t see it coming at this point in my life.


In the busyness of motherhood it can be hard to find the place and the space to fit your passions within the practical places of family life. Where and when have you carved out the time to create in your busy days?

Writing happens in the nooks and crannies of my life. Sometimes that involves a quick trip to Panera on a Saturday or hiding in my bedroom while the kids play together and hopefully do the dishes. I grab time when I can and of course when I’m under a deadline, I’m more aware of the value of those precious times when I can pour out my heart on the page.

Music was something I also had to step away from for a couple of years and I can tell you I sorely missed it. But a few years ago, God brought it back around in a way that fit into my schedule as a mom. I attend weekly rehearsals for the most part and lead worship about once every six weeks. My husband is key in helping to make that possible when I need to be at an early sound check on Sunday Morning.

I believe that God purposed our creativity to be one of the vehicles through which we respond to the Great Commission call on our lives. How has God given you opportunity to share His love with others through your creative gifts? In your home… your local community… and even out into the world.

Throughout the years, I’ve had the chance to lead small groups and travel the world to tell others about Christ. I have a heart for women to be in the Word. Yet, as a mom my time is not always my own. There have been seasons where I’ve simply needed to be home. As a writer, however, my words can go anywhere. They can stretch to the far corners of the globe while I stay home in my pajamas fixing breakfast for my kids. I can’t always go speak or be part of global mission trips. But my words—they can fly.


We spend our days caring for “our beautiful creations” but there are other creations we long to pen, sing, paint, stitch and bake. It’s hard to embrace any other dream during this dream-come-true season of mothering.  Share one of your dreams with our readers?

You know, it sounds a bit hokey I’m sure, but I think I’m living it right now. I said it before, I’m the one most in awe that God has made me an author. My dreams involve projects that bring women together around a table with the Word of God between them. I also might have a song or two hiding in my heart. Perhaps He has something for me along those lines as well.

Would you share with us one of your “creative crushes” – another creative mom who inspires you and why.

I love watching women who have a passion to encourage and build up other women. A couple of years ago I had the chance to meet with Lysa Terkeurst and her Compel writing team and talk about writing words that matter. I learned so much during our time together. I came away with a deep respect for her passion to help women in ministry thrive. I pray I’m able to do that for other women as well.


If you had one piece of advice to leave us with, concerning this awkward dance between faith, family and the flourishing arts, what would it be?

God has a way of working it out. He has a plan, simply trust him. Also, bring your family with you. Be honest with them and say, “Hey, mom has this opportunity and I want you to be part of it. I can’t do it without you.” Talk through your stories with them, ask them for their opinion on your latest creation, and if you are baking something wonderful in the kitchen, make sure they get a portion of it as well. It doesn’t always have to be one or the other. Once when I was worried about the writing and taking time away for that, my husband encouraged me with this: “Just think about what it will mean to the girls for their mom to be an author.” I realized that pursuing my dream would encourage them to do the same with dreams of their own.

Where can we find more of your work and connect with you online?

You can find me at, on Instagram and Twitter @staceythacker, and Facebook @officialStaceyThacker. and my new book, Fresh Out of Amazing: Opening Your Heart to God’s Unexpected Invitation is now available!

Thank you so much, Stacey, for inviting us into the Renaissance story of your own Life Creative.

To find out more about Stacey's experience as a Christian author, smack-dab in this intense season of mothering her girls, hop on over to her blog to read today's post!

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We hope these interviews inspire you to celebrate your own

Life Creative.

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