Picture post as we wrap up summer


I haven't fallen off the face of the earth... but I've been teetering on the edge these summer days.  

No. Not true. I've simply been busy. All good kinds of busy. Busy loving my kids, cooking my husband's favorite meals, taking family vacations and throwing a big baptism party in the pouring down rain for our youngest son. Add to that I'm writing a book about the glory and the gory of motherhood - so I'm busy living it first, then writing it down. A book that has a whole lot to do with these hectic yet heavenly home making, home schooling, home dwelling years. Yeah, we've been  busy this summer.


So here's a little picture post to highlight the faces and the places I've been loving these past few months.


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Needless to say, we've had a terrible time! Now we're heading into another school year with Caleb starting sixth grade, Brody in fourth, and Asher growing up and into second.


Thanks for indulging me this picture post. I'm rather smitten with my little people.