I see you

I see you promo  

She saw me standing there,
I know she did because she took this picture.  
It's a documented fact now,
how I'd been seen
when I was feeling invisible.  
But that's my old-self,
believing old lies
about how I don't belong.  
What a load of sulfer breath!  
Satan's minions sneaking in all stealth, 
telling us we're broken down,
cast aside, and lonely.  
And the child in me believes it's true.  
All the while someone's standing there,
watching and seeing,
and counting me beautiful
through the lens of their camera.


On this day, that someone was my sweet friend, Tammy.

But every day I remind myself...

Someone's standing there, watching and seeing,

Counting us all beautiful through the lens of His camera.

You see where I'm going with this, don't you?


For even Hagar in her lonely plight, there in the desert with Ishmael, even Hagar experienced the One who watched her closely, so she named him El Roi -The God who sees.


She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her:

"You are the God who sees me," (Genesis 16:13)


And the rest of scripture supports our renewed confidence that He watches us, sees us, knows us.



From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind  (Psalm 33:13)

The Lord sees everything you do. Wherever you go, he is watching. (Proverbs 5:21)

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. (Hebrews 4:13)


I've said it before, that God's vantage point is love.

But here's a miracle at work:

The more I believe this truth to my core,

the more my lens on the world

and on myself

and on others...

opens up to a wide-angle.

The more I believe in my own loved reality,
know myself seen,
know myself safe,
know myself beloved,
know myself cherished...
The more I can authentically know and cherish
those all around me in life affirming ways.


Like the young mom sitting on the floor at Barnes and Noble with a small notepad in her lap.  Her scribbled shopping list on one side of the page and a list of things she's thankful for on the back.  All this as her young children play at the Thomas The Train table.  He's wearing suspenders, sporting a faux hawk; she's a few inches shorter in a tutu.  It's then they come running and hollering for a book.  So she tucks her notes away for later.

And as they crawl into her lap with a stack of Curious George, she looks up and sees me there.  And I see her back... and tell her so.

"You're doing a wonderful job."


Before leaving I stop at the cafe for an egg white and turkey bacon sandwich, because I missed breakfast herding my children out the door on time.  And at a table across the way I see an old woman in a blue sweater, eating a donut.  I see her there, and I tell her so.

"That color blue makes your eyes shine like saphires."

She smiles and breaths in deep, brushing pink sprinkles from her lap.  She just keeps smiling and takes in a second breath, like I'd given her oxygen when she'd been running out.  And we do... run out.  And need to be seen and affirmed and known in the everyday moments of life.  Because we can get lost.  And we do.  And sometimes I just want to rescue those who are on their way under.





Tammy wrote me a note that summed it all up.  How she sees me serving in the quiet corners of life.  And she tucked that note into a small care package and sent it from Dallas, Texas to San Diego, California.  With the most beautiful mug, delicate measuring spoons (much too pretty to actually use), a gift card for dinner out, and other "I know you" odds and ends that all shouted "You're seen."


So today I'm paying the "I see you" message forward, in this care-packaged post.

Because I do, Jenny

And I do, Kacy,

You too, sweet Jacqui

And yes, you too, Kelli

And you, Sherri

And I see you, Mary

And Shannon, of course,

And  you, Aunt Michelle

And you too, Heather


I see you.


But most importantly, let's commit together to find our true soul's identity in the eyes of one.  

The One.  El Roi.  Because the God of the universe can't take his eyes off of you today!  


And now it's your turn to pay it forward.

Go ahead and share this on your facebook page, tweet it, or pin...

making sure to tag the friends, mothers, and sisters who need to know

you see them too.


I see you -image


What a radical thought.  To be seen.