My husband built a tree fort


My husband built a tree fort out of diamonds.  Those Big Dipper Diamonds Dripping Down on our home when he lost his job and I remembered faith.  

Jehovah Jireh, The Lord Provides.


Shaken out and raining down.  I thought those sparkling stars represented how God would provide for our financial needs.  But in my nearsightedness I did not know how abundantly, beyond all I could ask or imagine, He would provide for the heart needs in our home.  Far more star studded gems than I had known to pray for, spilling out and overflowing onto the dry ground,  landing in a mound of tools and lumber.  So my husband built a tree fort out of those diamonds, in his unemployment.


Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21)






Our vantage point is so small, not vast as His view from the Big Dipper looking down, so we can't grasp the scope of His riches.  Not just to provide what we will eat and drink, and what we will wear... but  the breadth of how He will bless and grow and heal us.  His vantage point is love, and His love is boundless and immeasurable.

I did not know, so I simply asked for enough.  Enough money to cover bills.  Enough severance to cover unemployment.  Enough peace to cover anxiety. But He gave more, a diamond "yes" in each shaving of saw dust.

As the stars poured down, the Holy Spirit descended carrying more than enough, calming my husband's heart and giving him a vision for his days at home. Each morning he came to the breakfast table rather than taking a conference call or heading out to the airport, running off to provide for us.  As God provided, my husband rested in our breakfast nook and bowed his head to pray.  He asked the children about their toys and me about my dreams.  So very present.  Then headed outdoors and connected with us there, connecting in ways he's usually too busy for.

And I wonder if The Lord purposed this unemployment as a gift.  Shaken out, poured down, anointing the trial to bless.  Sanctified it, set it aside to set our family aside.  Sanctified each day of unemployment as holy; to do a holy, wholly good work between husband and wife, and father and child.

How often we think the Lord is at work in the blessing and giving. But God is also at work in the taking away. Its beyond me when health and loved ones and financial security are shaken and taken. But God is at work, pulling us away from the world and into Him. Away from busyness and into relationships with one another. Away from health and into dependence.  Away from pride and into humility.  Away from building our kingdom to refresh our desire for His.  He is a good gift-giving God.


 God's vantage point is Love!



If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! (Matthew 7:11)







My in-laws came from Texas to San Diego for a week of togetherness.  For five of those days Papa worked with My Honey.  The youngest grandson always close, pulling nails from old lumber.  Nana bringing a steady supply of iced tea and lemon bars.  The older two boys rounding the corner with Cousin Alex each half hour, dripping with pool water, to see how the construction is coming along.  But the youngest stays nearby, watching his dad pick up each two by four and nail it to the tree.

The posts went down deep, secure.  Platform, walls, roof, windows and skylight went up next.  Nana rocks against each post to make sure the structure is secure and my husband rolls his eyes.  Tonight, as they wrapped the treehouse in siding, the sun went down.  The moon came up and my littlest child shimmied up the ladder,  calling to show me his view, this side of heaven.  There behind him, framed in middle of the skylight, hung the half moon.  And I wondered, How many nights will the boys lie in their fort, watching that moon waning and waxing, move across their 2 x 3 slice of heaven?  And will the big dipper cross their path? And will they talk of their creator in the quiet of this fort?

The ancient of days knew what He was doing when He formed each planet, moon and star; each marriage, family and home.  The Lord built it all.  A carpenter on earth.


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And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.  (2 Corinthians 9:8)



 God's vantage point is love.

And His love is boundless and immeasurable.


vantage point image