Enjoy the longing for Heaven this Christmas


“I do hope your Christmas has had a little touch of Eternity in among the rush and pitter patter and all. It always seems such a mixing of this world and the next–but after all, that is the idea!” - Evelyn Underhill


That is the idea, is it not?  The melodious earth base and tenor angel chorus, blending in harmonies beyond our understanding.  Living here now, longing for eternity.


It used to make me cry, the longing.  But today, at Christmastime, with my children happy and healthy and enjoying the rain coming down outside and the fire crackling and the carols playing, I am praying, "Lord, help me enjoy the longing.  Help me savor it like hot cocoa after puddle splashing with my children. Each sugary sweet marshmellow, every chocolate laden little boy kiss.  Help me savor it all.  Savor the now and the longing, all mingled together.  The present joy coupled with the ache we have for You and Your arms, Your glory-filled ever-after."

C.S. Lewis quote


Here's my question:

Do you long for His Glory-filled ever-after in your happiest times or those most sorrowful?


I long for reprieve in the pain, but equal is my longing to discover and celebrate the One who blesses us with so much beauty.  I think the intermingling of these two is advent.  The Holy of Holies come down to dwell with us, Emmanuel, amidst it all.  The source of life, the source of strength, the well-spring of comfort and joy.





Where are you this Christmas season?  Deep in sorrow's bosom or overcome by beauty and blessings?  Wherever you find yourself... are you longing for Heaven?

Are you longing for Heaven this Christmas?