How this pandemic saved our family

How this pandemic saved our family

While I don’t want to minimize the deeply tragic effects this pandemic has had on many, and will continue to have on many more, I sense that The Lord is redeeming the days as we endure them. Though the global economy will surely suffer, God’s economy is on the rise. God values family. While we value our families too, the reality is that many of us have been too busy to invest in them as we should. We have all the time in the world to pour into our families now.

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The Born Again Mom

The Born Again Mom

I’m doing it again, writing another blog post based on the crazy notion that God speaks His Word (today) right into our personal lives. Specifically, into this mothering season with kids and chaos, laughter and the need for a long-suffering sort of love. Today I’m considering again, as I often do, how to change… to be more like Him and less like me as I parent these (not so little) people.

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